The Man from E.G.G.

A place to put my time-wasting doodles, based upon the exercises outlined in the "How To Draw Animated Cartoons" book by Preston Blair.

Monday, July 31, 2023

I Tried!


Not my BEST ref sheet out there. The side view DEFINITELY could have turned out better. Otherwise a fine edition to the Budsies roster. 

Gotta wait until after Fenton and Clarice are done tho. 

Did someone say, "Fenton?"

Saturday, July 22, 2023

David and Max

 First time drawing David! This was based off the new episode that just showed up on YouTube yesterday! Excited for season 5! 

Especially enjoyed the whole "David Gets Brainwashed Into Joining Q-Anon" subplot. 

Now to spend the rest of the day slowly plugging away at other projects while combatting a summer cold (hence the exchange between David and Max in this drawing). 

Friday, July 21, 2023

An Achievement That Never Gets Old

 Another drawing added to the corkboard in our kitchen. 

Max from Camp Camp!

Finished Big Bang Theory yesterday, I had to find SOME show to binge as I collect my own DVD releases of BBT. Plus there's a new Camp Camp episode coming out today!